Antwerpen, ICC Internationale Cultureel Centrum, 1978
Softcover, 17.5 x 11.5 cm, unpaginated (ca. 20 pages), black and white illustrations. Dutch.
tijdens 17 wandelingen heb ik alle opschriftborden gefotografeerd die mij de toegang tot een bepaald terrein verboden.
1977 1978
While walking and cycling in the area around Bruges, the artist photographed signs denying him access to various sites. This project was started in 1977 and is still going on(1).
(1) Coucke, J., Gielen, P., & Pas, J. (2012). Daniël Dewaele : selected projects. 1 Gent: Ape. p. 134 – 141
A good copy with some minor discoloration to the wrappers.