Guy Mees – 1993

200,00 188,00

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Bruxelles/Brussel, Palais des Beaux-Arts/Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, 1993
Softcover in illustrated wrappers and with French flaps, 30 x 24 cm, 120 pages, illustrated throughout in color and black and white. Dutch/French.

Catalogue for the first major museum exhibition by Guy Mees, with works from 1958 all the way to 1993. Guy Mees had already shown works at a variety of now infamous galeries such as Ad Libitum,  X-One, MTL, Orez and Micheline Szwajcer.  The first 90 pages are a mix of black and white photographs of early exhibitions by Guy Mees, reproductions of a large variety of works and color photographs of installed works, with the text being limited to information about the exhibition.  Texts in Dutch and French: Geschilderde plinten in Venus/Plirithes de couleurs a Venus (90-91) by Anny De Decker, De la perspective/Le décentrement chinois (92-93) by Marc Poirier dit Caulier, Index (94-98), De Verloren Ruimte/L’Espace Perdu (101-103) by Dirk Snauwaert, Het parcours van Guy Mees/Le parcours de Guy Mees (105-113) by Dirk Snauwaert, Bio-Bibliografie/Bio-Bibliographie (114-116), Colofon/Colophon (118-119).  A beautiful catalogue, with one of the painted plint works as a cover illustration.

Deze catalogus wordt uitgegeven n.a.v. de tentoonstelling Guy Mees, werken 1958-1993 in het  Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel, van 5/6 tot 1/8/1993.

A very good copy.